AE-01-XX Tear Down Reciprocating Engine

The reciprocating engine teardown trainer may be configured with a wide variety of Lycoming or continental engines. The teardown engine allows students to gain hands-on experience with the disassembly/reassembly of an aircraft reciprocating engine.
 The practical assignments on teardown engine provide a good understanding of engine construction and its operation. This trainer is an essential item in any AMT powerplant training program. The engine is mounted on a standard engine overhaul work stand that is fitted with four caster wheels with brakes. The engine is provided with magnetos and ignition harness. A set of engine tools is also included.    


Ordering Information:

Model AE-01-4-X: 4-Cyinder Reciprocating Teardown Engine on a stand, with a set of special tools.

Model AE-01-6-X: 6-Cyinder Reciprocating Teardown Engine on a stand, with a set of special tools.

Note: Letter ‘X’ denotes make of the engine; C (for Continental) or L (for Lycoming).

Alternatively, the AE-01-xxx may be used to specify any particular engine, e.g. AE-01-320.

The trainer is supplied with the following documentation:

  • Reciprocating Engines Training Guide
  • Engine Technical Manual
  • Illustrated Parts Catalog

Optional Item

A computer based training package (CBT) is available as an optional item (at additional cost) which provides a simplified explanation of the aircraft reciprocating engines. The CBT is full of rich graphics and animations. The CBT may be used by students for self paced learning, and it may also be used by instructors to present high quality

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