AS-70 Aircraft Safety Wirelocking Practices Trainer

AeroTrain’s Model AS-70-1 Safety Wire Locking Practice Trainer is designed for providing hands-on training to the students.


The training panel provides various configurations for practicing safety wire locking. The panel provides safety locking techniques as per FAA AC43-13 and EASA Part 66 Module 7 requirements.

Various components are mounted to replicate actual wire locking situations. Fasteners are arranged in clusters of straight and triangular patterns for practicing wire locking. The wire locking may be applied in a single or double pattern as per the standard aviation maintenance practices.

Methods of Safety Wire Locking
1.  Double-Twist Method
2.  Single-Wire Method

Geometrical Patterns for Wire Locking

The trainer provides training on the straight, triangle, rectangular and circular wire locking patterns

Tools and Supplies included with the Trainer

All the tools required for working on the trainer are provided along with adequate supplies that would allow students to carry wire locking tasks. Additional supplies if required may be ordered.


Training Manual is provided with Job Sheets for hands-on training of the students for the trainer panel.

Computer Based Training (CBT)

The trainer is supplied with CBT covering relevant topics. The CBT contents are in accordance with Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) AC 43.13 and also cover the relevant topics of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Part 66 Module 7.


Training Panels: 30 x 30 inches work area, 0.125 inch thick, Aluminum
Weight : Less than 200 pounds

The training panel is mounted on a 36 or 46 inch wide commercially available tool cabinet (subject to availability).

The training panel can also be ordered on a tee slot frame on casters. A tool box is integrated with the frame for storage of tools and supplies.

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