This comprehensive solution is designed to fulfill the learning requirements of the European Safety Agency (EASA) module 3 - electrical fundamentals - for aircraft maintenance engineers. The solution contains all the Locktronics parts needed as well as 4 separate workbooks covering each of the sub-modules in the EASA specification.
EASA Electrical Fundamentals 1:
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Measuring Voltage and Current
- Cells and Batteries
- Thermocouples
- Photocells
- Ohm's Law
EASA Electrical Fundamentals 2:
- Resistors in Series and in Parallel
- Series/Parallel Networks
- Voltage and Current dividers
- Kirchoff's Laws
- Power in DC Circuits
- Power Transfer
EASA Electrical Fundamentals 3:
- Capacitors and Electrostatics
- Inductors and Inductance
- DC Motors
- Generator Principals
- Transformers and their Construction
- Transformer Losses
EASA Electrical Fundamentals 4:
- AC Measurements
- Inductance and Capacitance
- LR and CR Series AC Circuits
- LCR Series AC Circuits
- LR and CR Parallel AC Circuits
- LCR Parallel AC Circuits
- Q Factor for Bandwidth
- Low Pass and High Pass Filters
- Band Pass and Band Stop Filters