The Model APT-01, Two-axis (roll and pitch) digital autopilot trainer is based on an EFIS with autopilot interface, usually found in light aircraft.The Model APT-01 can serve the purposes of training students on new generation of digital autopilots, as well as familiarizing the students with the essential features of EFIS.
The interface to the EFIS results in autopilot operation in the following modes:
- Heading Mode
- Ground Track Mode
- Turn-Around Mode
- GPS Navigation Mode
- VOR Navigation Mode
- Localizer Tracking Mode
- GPS Steering Mode
- Altitude Mode
The Model APT-01 is fitted with roll and pitch servos that drive simulated control surfaces (ailerons and elevator) mounted on a vertical standing panel. The Autopilot mode of the EFIS display presents a comprehensive menu to teach the students how to setup and test the autopilot system.The set-up and maintenance features include:
- AP Status Display
- Roll/Pitch Servo Calibration
- Servo Testing
- Roll/Pitch Servo Torque Setting
- Roll/Pitch Servo Sensitivity Setting
- Roll/Pitch Servo Deflection Setting
- Aircraft Bank/Pitch Limits Setting
The students will also learn how to update the EFIS/Autopilot firmware using a computer interface.
The autopilot derives the Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) information from built-in sensors. The AHRS sensors include:
- Three solid-state gyrometers
- Three solid-state accelerometers
- Three solid-state magnetometers